Mine and my Daughters Daily Life
Each day we will start together in Thanking God for what he has given us.
Each day we will pray together for our Sin's to be forgiven.
Each day we will be different from the relationship that I carry with my mother.
Each day we will tell eachother " I Love You"
Each day we will read the word of God together, and live by the word.
Each day we will respect ourselves and the people around us rather we like them or not.
Each day before we take our first drink or bit of food, we will Thank God.
Each night we together will spend time with just "us" before bed.
Each night we will call our sister/aunt and brother in law to pray with us.
Each night we will again read the word of God.
Each night we will together pray against any demonic force.
Each night we will tell God what we are Thankful for and learn not to complain or be mean about anything to anyone. Becuae we as Christians want to be like Christ.
Each weekend we will spend it together or with our Christian family, because we are greatful for them and want no other life to live with what is according to the word of God.
Each weekend we will be spent together, waking up and going to bed with nothing but kind words spoken to eachother.
Each weekend we will start to save and gather for our future goals. (disneyland, our own home, etc.)
Each Sunday both day and night we will be in God's house, with no complaining.
Every day we WILL remember what Jesus did for us.
He died for you and me!!!
Because he loves us.