Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
my poor baby

Today started out very calm and me praising god for another day until, my 5 year old decided she wanted to go with my mom and do some yard work while i went to church today, my mom turned her head for 1 minute and Christna dropped some cutting shears on her foot and cutt her foot wide open i carried her to the car and took her too the E.R boy was my heart pounding, when we got there the doctors cleaned her up and lets just say i almost wanted to scream it was so " gory" but i had to stay strong and tell her it wasnt that bad when all in all it was so gross. After Christinas foot was numb they started sowing her up she ended up with 8 stitches and a mommy to wait on her hand and foot. So please just keep my little angel in your prayers. GET WELL NINEE I LOVE YOU
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
"The Tongue can be a sharp sword"
Perhaps the greatest charity comes when we are kind to each other, when we don't judge or categorize someone else, when we simply give each other the benefit of the doubt or remain quiet. Charity is accepting someone's diferences, weaknesses, and shortcomings; having patience with someone who has let us down; or resisting the impulse to become offended when someone doesn't handle something the way we might have hoped. Charity is refusing to take advantage of another's weakness and being willing to forgive someone who has hurt us. Charity is expecting the best of eachother"
I typed this out today because my Pastor gave these out lastnight and well i was wondering why did he gave theseto everyone lasnight? I dint really get it and to be honest i would read it over and over and it started to make scence, and i liked the way it was explained to me and i just wanted to share this with everyone today.
I typed this out today because my Pastor gave these out lastnight and well i was wondering why did he gave theseto everyone lasnight? I dint really get it and to be honest i would read it over and over and it started to make scence, and i liked the way it was explained to me and i just wanted to share this with everyone today.
Saturday, October 11, 2008

I LOVE this man so much he has done so much for his children most are so greatful and love him and some dont even care. I was finishing up Matthew lastnigh and i began to cry in Matthew 27: 26-50 i cried because he went through so much pain and suffering for me and sometimes we all take advatage of that, i cry out to gad on a daily basses and tell him THANK YOU , because i know now that what he did was the most beautiful thing anyone can do for someone. i know that if he had to do it all over again he would . Jesus i just want to tell you im not ashamed of you and i dont care who knows that i love and trust you, you have allways been there when i felt at my lowest you were there to pick me up and dust me off. You loved me when i didnt love myself, and when i cried out to you, you listened and held me, lord when i gave you my heart and turned away you didnt give it back you kept it and waited patiently for me to come running back too you and held me and took care of me , you are now keeping me and watching over me, making sure i am safe and serving god with my whole heart , waiting patiently to see you face to face i love you my jesus and i want the whole world to know that i am soooooo in LOVE with you. LOVE YOUR DAUGHTER
Thursday, October 9, 2008

ok i just want to say that yes we are sisters and we are the best of friends and i wouldnt have it any other way this is my big sister and lets just say she is the one person i can turn to without any judegment towards me and i am blessed to have a big sister like her she is a strong women of god and a loving wife, mother, aunt and older sister i look up to my sister without a doubt she is the reason why i know jesus she never gave up on me even when i gave up on myself she still stood by my side and for that i will allways be thankful. so i just want you to know that i love you so much Marisa you are like a mother i never had and allways wanted Thank you.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
My spiritual grocery list
- I had a little bit of some Spiritual Shopping I had to do today......Care to join??List
Bread- We are fortunate enough to have God give us our Daily Bread.
3 lbs. of Love- To Show the people in my life the God has given me pounds and pounds of Love.
1 pkg. of Salt- Salt is known to melt ice.....and at times there are some icy cries and tears that need to be melted away.
1 Box of Band aids- To cover the Boo Boo's.
1 Huge heaping of Faith- To know that under those band aids GOD is doing all the Healing of those booboo's.
1 bag of Joy- To make every life moment Joyful.
1 Humble Pie- Because Humbly we come before God to admit that we are sinner's.
2 bushels of Peace- To know that Peace should always be with us, for the hand of God is always over us.
A nice wonderful Sunday-To be able to go and worship my God with an open and willing heart.....These are the best kind of Sundays.
HAPPY SHOPPING.......I got these at a bargain rate!!
Ok sister i love this shopping list its awsome and i just wanted to put it on my blog because it inspired me and gave me a big huge smile on my face .
Thursday, October 2, 2008
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