dress up
Ok lastnight i came home from work tired, because i have had the worst sinus problems for the last 4 days, but cooking and cleaning still had to get done and i know god was testing me with this little 6 year old angel. I say this because she wanted to play in my room, she loves my closet for some reason. Christina came up to me while i was making dinner and asked me if she could play in my room , i asked her why ? christina said because i want to, i said fine go ahead but if you make a mess your picking it up, she said ok. while im cooking she decides she is going to dress up in my clothes, here are the results, i think she looks adorable,, dont you think?
After she got out of my clothes we ate, showerd, and played and talked, we talked about Jonah and the whale, she is so amazed by that story she cant seem to understand how a man can survive in a whales belly for 3 days, i explained to her.
And this was the end result sound asleep, i get to kiss this beautiful angel to sleep every night. Arent i a BLESSED mommy?
1 comment:
What a beautiful Momy and daughter relationship you ahve with eachother. It say's straight in the bible that children are a gift fromt he Lord.
You are a wonderful mommy to be saved and telling your daughter bedtime stories of the bible.
What an inspiration!!!
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