I love this picture, because jesus carrys us threw the good times and threw the bad times. God never promised easy days all he promised was that it would be worth it in the end. Being a true follower of god is such a wonderful blessing. But i havent always been a believer i once was lost in the world doing things that wasnt pleasing to god, i never took god serious i backslide all the time one minute i was going to church and the next minute i was in the world, until Febuary 22, 2008 i finaly had to make a decision and i made the decision to serve god fully with a honest and open heart and have been doing it ever since, im not perfect i still have my moments but thats why i have god to pick me back up and dust me off, i can turn to my savior and know that he is right there everywere i go , I wouldnt have my life any other way. God Bless you.
Hello! :)
Isn't it wonderful once you make that decsion to finally serve God?
It's like saying "ok God I can't take it anymore, I surrender, you have me".
It really is the best thing that anyone can ever do really, I myself have no regrets once I gave my life Fully to him, and never questioned God.
The only regret that I have is not doing it way before....but from what is sounds like you understand just that!
God Bless you sweet sister in Christ
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