Mommys helper
Christina decided she wanted to help me do the dishes, i told her we had a dishwasher that would wash the dishes, she gave me that look and said i know mom i just want to do them with you, i got a little annoyed . I just got home from work and i just wanted to take a shower and put her to bed but LIKE ALWAYS GOD SPOKE TO ME AND SAID ENJOY HER and its true christina is growing up and right now is the time i need to spend with her and teach her.
I want to encourage all you moms exspecialy single moms out there times are tough and i know that our kids are annoying and do some crazy things sometimes you know THE WHAT WERE YOU THINKING kind of moments but they are given to us by god and he trusts us to take care of them, love them and encourage them the way god loves us.God Bless you and thanks or visiting our site today.
Once again what a wonderful post you made, it's late now where I live I like to read your blog over and over at times, an I will do that tomarrow!!!
Back to the blog post.
It is so true that at times our patients runs thing with our children, but it is a simple reminder that I am sure God feels the same way with us at times.
You are a hero to single mother's, some all they do is complain because they do it alone, but as a christian I think at times it is better to do it alone instead of having to go through personal pain of having a spouse who is an unbeliever. But you are different I never hear you complain about being single, what a patient daughter of God you are to be waiting for what God has to give you.
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